My Dad the Rock Star
My Dad the Rock Star is an animated television series created by Gene Simmons of KISS fame, and produced by Canadian company Nelvana for the Canadian based channel Teletoon. It ran for a short period of time on the Nickelodeon and Nicktoons in the United States and it currently airs on a kids channel Pop & Kix in the UK.
The show focuses on William "Willy" Zilla, an ordinary timid 14-year old boy just trying to be normal middle schooler despite being the son of a flamboyant, rich, and lively celebrity rock star.
Gene Simmons wanted to create a cartoon series for his kids with a loud rock star.
- Joanne Vannicola - Willy Zilla - The main character. Willy never lead a normal life when he was on tour with his family until he came to Silent Springs. Throughout the series, Willy gradually becomes more comfortable in who he is and accepts his new, more "normal" lifestyle. Willy aspires to be a musician like his father and grandfather (see below). Willy's music of choice is jazz. In the episode zombie kids invason, Willy, Serenity, Alssa and Quincy became zombies.
- Lawrence Bayne - Rock Zilla - Willy's rock star father. Rock loved rock since birth. His full name is "Rockford Amadeus Zilla". He has a pet Komodo Dragon called Mosh. Even though Rock is the father of the family, he is very immature and behaves like a teenager.
- Don Francks - Skunk - Ex-driver of the Zilla tour bus, friend/manager of the family. Skunk is from England and has a long two-toned ponytail, hence his name. Skunk's real name is Nigel Fanshawe.
- Sarah Gadon - Alyssa - Willy's best friend, and eventually girlfriend. She is an environmental activist.
- Martin Villafana - Quincy - Willy's other best friend. Prefers to be called "Q". His father is an accountant.
- Kathleen Laskey - Crystal Zilla - Willy's mother. Crystal is a pink-haired spiritualist.
- Stephanie Anne Mills - Serenity Zilla - Willy's older sister. Serenity is the stereotypical teenage girl: spoiled, boy-crazy, egotistical and ditzy. She picks on Willy and easily gets lost in the mansion.
- Rob Stefaniuk - "Buzz" Sawchuck - Willy's bully/nemesis. Although brutish and violent, "Buzz" often speaks in the manner of a Shakespearian actor, making long-winded speeches and monologues. His father, Lloyd, is head of the school board. "Buzz" has a crush on Alyssa, which is not reciprocated.
- Dwight Schultz - Principal Malfactor - A strict disciplinarian, with a particular dislike for Willy. He once tried to have music class removed from school, and to have Willy expelled. Both times, he was foiled by Rock's intervention. Bears an uncanny resemblance to Ed Sullivan.
- Dwight Schultz - Mr. Kant - The Zilla's next door neighbour. He utterly despises Rock for all the chaos he causes, but has a soft spot for Willy. He has a cat and dog, Helga and Henderson, who are friends with Mosh.
The show ran for two seasons and currently is on Kix!.
Season 1
1. Welcome to Silent Springs
- Rock and his family move to Silent Springs. Willy disguises himself as "Willy Zillowsky" but he is forced by Buzz to steal Rock's gold record.
2. Zilla's House of Horrors
- Willy hears Buzz claim that the house is haunted due to being built on a graveyard.
3. Mr. Zilla's Opus
- Rock reveals to everyone in school that Willy is his son, when he becomes the schools new band teacher.
4. High Infidelity
- Crystal opens a Psychic Wellness Centre next to Willy's school earning Willy some ribbing over his flakey Mom.
5. Angela D'Angelo
- When Willy meets a new student named Angela, she invites him to a pre-date with her parents who dislike Rock Zilla.
6. The Candidate
- Willy plans to be the candidate for class representative, but Buzz keeps stealing all of his plans and hijacks the candidate party! Willy eventually wins even with the chaos caused by asking his parents to act normal.
7. Willy Unplugged
- Willy is going to play his trumpet at the school talent night, but when Rock finds out, he tries to "help" by adding over-the-top theatrics to Willy's show. Quincy and Alyssa try to get in on Willy's act - with less-than-musical results.
8. Dance Party
- Willy joins the dance committee, but the teacher, Ms. Zachwiss, doesn't want to dance to change from the theme it had for the past 19 years.
9. Psychic Convention
- Crystal asks Willy to come with her to the Psychic Convention to meet Madame Persenchia, but he has to prepare for a maths exam and Mosh goes missing.
10. Call of the Wild
- The Zillas go on a camping trip with Willy's friends but something goes horribly wrong.
11. Mr. Big
- When Sally Raptor, the popular girl in school, offers Willy a coveted spot in the "in crowd", Willy gets a taste of what it's like to be extremely popular - and it rocks! But complications arise when Sally tries to get Willy to abandon his old friends Alyssa and Quincy. Meanwhile, Serenity is terrorizing the neighbourhood practising to get her driver's license.
12. Rebel Without A Nose Ring
- Buzz sets Willy up to experience a series of unfortunate encounters with Mr. Malfactor after which Malfactor labels Willy a Rebel and seizes the opportunity to restore order upon the student body by implementing a dress code.
13. Going for Broke
- When the Zillas go broke, Quincy's father invites them to stay.
Season 2
14. Meet the Zillas
- Rock decides that TV is boring so starts his own reality show. But later as they play pranks on Willy, they change the show to "Meet Willy Zilla."
15. Rock Is From Mars, Willy Is From Venus
- Willy and Rock try to spend some quality time together but things don't go as Willy intended.
16. The Sound of Zilla
- Willy's school is celebrating International Students Week.
17. Home for the Holly Daze
- It's the Zillas' first Christmas in Silent Springs and when they inadvertently cause a famous Broadway director to lose his job, misery befalls them when he tries to get even.
18. What's the Scoop?
- Scoop keeps on sneaking out on Rock; Buzz puts Willy in detention after he arrives late. So Scoop and Willy concoct a plan to prove his innocence.
19. Rock Bottom
- It's Rock's birthday but things get chaotic when Rock gets depressed, Serenity lands herself in the slammer, and she ends up serving community service at a senior's home, with Rock as her newest patient!
20. Saving Sawchuck
- After Willy saves Buzz from drowning, he has to let Buzz save him from harm; Serenity falls in love with the Lifeguard, so she has lifeguard lessons.
21. King of the Desert
- Willy, Quincy, and Alyssa take on a band trip, but ends up in the middle of the desert: Serenity and Crystal have to hide Rock's concert t-shirt (which he refuses to wash) before he comes back.
22. Big Willy on Campus
- Rock is given an honorary doctorate by his old college, Cere Bellum University, but someone has it in for Rock.
23. Metamorphic Rock
- Willy, Quincy and Alyssa are assigned a group project in Science class but with his mom missing in action, the house gets chaotic.
24. Kant Buy Me Love
- Willy and his friends help their neighbor, Mr. Kant throw a silent party.
25. Chip Off the Old Rock
- Rock's parents come to visit him, but they became mortal enemies; Serenity and her Grandmother have a day off.
26. Blind Date
- Willy and Alyssa become attracted to each other after a night at the movies. When Willy realizes that he is now dating her, he becomes a wreck, as he is afraid of how Quincy will react, and what this will mean for the trio's friendship. Meanwhile, Rock is trying to celebrate his 20th anniversary with Crystal, but each of his plans only seem to upset her.
On September 20, 2006 the series released "Dad's Debut" which contained the first six episodes of the first season; Welcome to Spirit Springs, Zilla's House of Horrors, Mr. Zilla's Opus, High Infidelity, Angela D'angelo, and The Candidate.
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1997 |
1999 |
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2002 |
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2005 |
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2007 |
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2012 |
Rocket Monkeys • Detentionaire • Mudpit
2013 |
Just Kidding Kids
Atomic Betty Redux